Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chicken, two days in a row/Pollo dos dias seguidos

Well, actually, that would be three. Because the second day I made chicken taquitos, although there were no photos.
Today, there was chicken salad sandwiches. Usually it would be chicken salad tostadas, but because I am trying to use what I have, without having to go to the store, bread was what there was. I used up the corn tortillas I had on hand for the taquitos the previous day, or I could have made my own tostadas instead of buying. . . oh well.

Bueno, mas bien, serian tres. Porque el segundo dia hice taquitos de pollo deshebrado, solo que no hay fotos de eso.
Hoy, hubo sandwiches de ensalada de pollo. Usualmente serian tostadas de ensalada de pollo, pero porque estoy intentando usar lo que ya tengo, sin tener que salir a la tienda, pan es lo que habia. Use las tortillas de maiz que tenia a la mano el dia anterior para los taquitos, si no, aiga dorado mis propias tostadas sin tener que comprar. . .nimodo.
The chicken salad consisted of shredded chicken/ La ensalada de pollo consistia de pollo deshebrado

Cubed potatoes and carrots/Papas y zanahorias cortadas en cuadritos
Shredded lettuce/Lechuga picada finitamente
Here is the result/Aqui el resultado